Special Issue: 10th ACF International Conference Highlights

Dear Colleagues,

We are thrilled to announce a special issue of the Journal of Asian Concrete Federation, dedicated to the 10th International Conference of the Asian Concrete Federation (ACF), happening in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, from 15-18 August 2024. Selected papers from the conference will be published in the Special Issue of the Journal of Asian Concrete Federation.

This year's conference theme is "Durability and Sustainability in Concrete Materials and Structures", reflecting the latest trends in concrete engineering. It's co-hosted by the Mongolian University of Science and Technology and the Mongolian Concrete Association.

We invite contributions of extended abstracts and presentations on innovative research and practices in concrete design, materials, construction, and repair. This special issue aims to capture the essence of the conference, fostering collaboration and sharing breakthrough ideas.

Join us in the vibrant city of Ulaanbaatar, a blend of modern and traditional Mongolian lifestyles, for this significant event.

Submission Process:

Direct Submission via Portal: Authors are encouraged to submit their papers through our dedicated submission portal at https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/acf. This method ensures a seamless and straightforward submission experience. During submission, please select Special Issue: 10th ACF Conference (2024) from the dropdown menu on the submission website.

Proxy Submission Option*: Alternatively, authors have the option to submit their extended abstracts to us directly by emailing us on acf@tongji.edu.cn. We will then proceed to submit these abstracts on their behalf to the submission website. This process will be carried out using author proxies, guaranteeing efficient integration and notification through our system.

Communication and Transparency:

All submitting authors will be automatically notified by the system regarding the submission status and any updates related to their manuscripts.

We are committed to maintaining open and transparent communication throughout this process, ensuring that all participants are well-informed and engaged.

Reviewer Selection and Notification Process:

The process of selecting reviewers for the manuscripts is with a focus on ensuring a rigorous and fair review process. The reviewers will be experts in their respective fields, contributing to the high standards of our publication.

The significance of this special issue is paramount, and we are dedicated to ensuring its success and impact. We urge all participants to submit their work promptly and to engage actively in this prestigious academic endeavor.

We value your contributions and look forward to your submissions. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us (acf@tongji.edu.cn).

With Warm Regards,

Prof. Jianzhuang XIAO (Tongji University, Editor-in-Chief)

Prof. Cai-Jun SHI (Hunan University, Chair, International Scientific Committee)

Prof. Juhyuk MOON (Seoul National University, Korea)

Prof. Thanakorn PHEERAPHAN (Thailand Concrete Association, Chairs, International Organizing Committee)

Prof. Narantuya BATMUNKH (Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Chair, Local Organizing Committee)