Optimization and evaluation of ultra high-performance concrete


Packing density
Compressive strength
Distribution modulus
Curing Regime

How to Cite

Ojha, P. N., Mittal, P., Singh, A., Singh, B., & Arora, V. V. (2020). Optimization and evaluation of ultra high-performance concrete. Journal of Asian Concrete Federation, 6(1), 26–36. https://doi.org/10.18702/acf.2020.6.6.26


Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) has been defined as a cementitious based composite material with compressive strength above 150 MPa and enhanced durability via its discontinuous pore structure. The microstructure of UHPC is denser and more homogeneous in comparison to conventional concrete. UHPC has several advantages over conventional concrete but the use of it is limited due to the high cost and limited design codes. Methodology for production and development of UHPC needs to be established. The paper covers both optimization and evaluation of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete along with highlighting the importance of packing density, mixing procedure and curing regimes containing a high volume of mineral admixture and ultrafine materials. Cementitious content of all the mixes in the study was kept in the range of 1000 kg/m3 and water to binder ratio was kept as 0.17. This study focuses on the methodology to be adopted for optimizing the packing density of UHPC, the challenges associated with it and their influence on compressive strength.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 P N Ojha, Piyush Mittal, Abhishek Singh, Brijesh Singh, V V Arora


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