Fire resistance calculation of existing concrete structures using modified Tabulated Data Method


Pre-cast concrete
Fire severity
Tabulated data method

How to Cite

Yagaanbuyant, D., & Radnaabazar, K. (2016). Fire resistance calculation of existing concrete structures using modified Tabulated Data Method. Journal of Asian Concrete Federation, 2(2), 95–101.


During its service operation, a gradual reduction of the material strength and the load bearing ca-pacity of a concrete structure is expected and the same is also true for its fire resistance capacity. Although it is needed to estimate the remaining service life of the structure considering this reduction of fire resisting capacity for the design for the building renovation or expansion, the proper calculation guidance or the methodology still doesn’t exist in Mongolian national building code. This paper discusses the assessment of the actual fire resistance capacity of the existing pre-cast concrete industrial/residential buildings that were built during 1962-1999 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Modifications to the Tabulated data method are offered based on the findings of the study. The estimated values of the actual fire resistance limit of PC walls and slabs are proposed in tables and graphical forms that can be used in the calculation of the actual fire re-sistance of the existing buildings in use to determine renovation requirements.
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2016 Duinkherjav Yagaanbuyant, Khishgee Radnaabazar


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