Development and application of concrete arch bridges in China


Concrete arch bridge
Construction method
Steel webs
Ultra-high performance concrete

How to Cite

Chen, B., Su, J., Lin, S., Chen, G., Zhuang, Y., & Tabatabai, H. (2017). Development and application of concrete arch bridges in China. Journal of Asian Concrete Federation, 3(1), 12–19.


The arch bridge is one of the main bridge types utilized in China, and many concrete arch bridges have been built there. Concrete with its high strength in compression and limited strength in tension is an ideal construction material for the arch since its primary internal force is compression. This paper briefly introduces the construction of concrete arch bridges in China in recent years, provides basic statistics on concrete arch bridges worldwide with a span of more than 200 m, analyses the development of concrete arch bridges, and focuses on the Nanpanjiang and Beipanjian Railway Bridges. Furthermore, this study introduces the common construction methods for concrete arch bridges, and describes the recent progress of research on concrete arch bridges using new materials and structures. Finally, future trends in the research and development of concrete arch bridges are discussed including applications of new materials, structures and construction methods.
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Baochun Chen, Jiazhan Su, Shangshun Lin, Guodong Chen, Yizhou Zhuang, Habib Tabatabai


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